Tuesday, May 3, 2005


Marilyn Found “A Way Out”

Marilyn's career as an exotic dancer started in 1985 at the age of 18. Her visions of fame and success turned to disillusionment and desperation over time as she turned to alcohol and drugs to anesthetize her disappointment and to enable her to do what was required of her in the clubs.

Her life was in a downward spiral and she felt helpless to reverse the plunge. She had made attempts to leave dancing several times, but always went back because she believed that she had no other recourse to provide for her family. After several difficult relationships and the birth of her two children, a son, who is now 17 and a daughter, who is 13, Marilyn married in 1999. She made the decision to try the recovery process for her addictions and to begin to get her life in order.

Marilyn came to the "A Way Out" Program in January of 2003. Her resolve to work a recovery program was evident from the beginning and she was very resourceful in finding resources suited to her needs. She was graduated from CCV's "A Way Out Program" last month with a Certificate of Completion for finishing eighteen months in the program. While in the program she had to deal with some hard issues such as marriage problems, difficulties with her children, low self-esteem and bouts with depression. Amidst her problems she continued to persevere to complete a boundaries study, several Beth Moore Bible studies and to participate in processing groups and a 12-step study and a parenting class. CCV helped her get her fines paid and her driving license back and she is now gainfully employed.

On graduation night Marilyn said that being a part of the "A Way Out" Program had helped her know how to relate to her children better, to feel better about herself and most of all to know how to have a relationship with God. She is a precious lady who has learned to work hard, stand firm, and start a new life in Christ. Marilyn found "A Way Out" and traded dancing in the dark for living in the Light!!!!